Harnessing Nature's Carbon Warriors

Nature has created the perfect carbon capture and removal mechanism, known as the biological carbon pump. Tiny photosynthetic phytoplankton convert carbon into biomass, fulfilling their role as the primary producers of the oceanic ecosystem.
As predators consume them, only 1% of the carbon captured reaches the sea bottom. We have developed a method to safely harness phytoplankton fixation, while improving the sequestration ratio by two orders of magnitude.
Unlocking the ocean’s potential with biomimicry
at scale

Particle Substrates
Gigablue combines advanced AI analysis and groundbreaking bio-geochemistry to safely leverage nature’s own solution at scale.
Our breakthrough particle is composed of two parts - a nutrient shell, and a gravity controlling core.
Particle composition is highly geo-specific. It is composed of naturally occurring compunds, tailored to local phytoplankton population. As the primary producers grow, 30% are consumed by local fauna, nourishing an ecosystem often suffering from overfishing and nutrient depletion.
Within 15 days, as phytoplankton aggregate around the particle, it will start its journey to cross the thermocline and reach the minimal 1,000 m depth target. Current circulation is overcome and sequestration is guaranteed.
Gigablue bases its reporting and verification on measurements performed using certified industry-standard equipment and techniques.

Integrated Oceanography Platform
Detecting optimal operational zones
Our proprietary ocean intelligence platform combines dozens of geoinformatic layers to identify the world’s optimal areas for sequestration yield.
The platform enables unmatched analysis of big-data collected from in-situ sensors, robots, satellite imagery and published research to support effective sequestration.
AI Optimized CDR
Our AI prediction engine learns from thousands of deployments and oceanography studies to predict the optimal particle composition for the most favorable locations.
Gigablue combines advanced AI models and biogeochemistry to safely leverage nature’s own solution at scale.
Unique biogeochemistry combos are suited to each deployment area.
The impact and results of every deployment are Measured, Reported and Verified according to top industry standards and global regulations.

Leveraging Existing
Supply Chains
For Net-Positive Carbon Removal
Our shipping partners deploy at AI-targeted zones pre-approved by regulators, while others take part in the measurement and verification process.
Repeatedly leveraging the existing infrastructure of the world’s vast ocean-going supply chains, we ensure net-positive sequestration operations and provide real economic incentives to all parties involved.

Shipping routes cover millions of nautical miles
Environmentally Safe
Made with elements naturally occurring in each target zone. Zero impact on benthic life.
Rapid & Controlled
Stringent MRV and control parameters ensure swift and supervised sequestration cycles.
Economically Sound
Supports depleted fishing zones and boost local businesses.